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Our Mission

We are Architectural Designers and Technologists.



Why We Started Fohlio

We know that the current workflow for architects and interior designers is faulty. We've experienced it firsthand. This platform began as a solution for problems within our own architectural practice, now it has become much bigger than that.


Our Philosophy

Step 1: Listen

We listen to your ideas, questions, and concerns.

Step 2: Learn

We research the process, objectives and limitations.

Step 3: Design

We get to work.

Step 4: Build

We put helmets on.


This Is For You

By listening to your feedback, your criticisms of the design process as a whole, or simply how you feel a button-click should operate, we've begun to create a powerful platform that is community driven which can now solve an even greater number of bottlenecks and workflow issues than we could ever imagine.

Help us in our quest for building Fohlio into a place that can help you